rōpū hapori
Community Groups
We welcome community groups and clubs who would like to join us for any of our regular work groups. There are many ways you can contribute, perhaps helping us plant trees during the cooler months, weeding and maintaining eco-corridors throughout the year, and helping us at our native nursery by potting up seedlings or you may like to establish a trap line around your location.
If you would like to find out more please get in touch with Lance at lance@rth.org.nz or 027 359 6722.
Community Group opportunities

Eco-corridor Restoration
Join us to help restore, build and maintain our eco-corridors.

Kaupapa Māori and Waka Tapa Rua / Biculturalism
Weave knowledge and understanding of both treaty partners equitably into our mahi for Tauiwi and Tangata Whenua to be excellent treaty partners, each drawing from cultural strengths and learning as we journey in our shared waka.

Eco-literacy & Outdoor Learning
Share the wonder that will connect the next generation to our envronment.

Pest Eradication
Run a pest trap line at a time that suits you each week.

Indigenous Ecology and
Art Wananga
We offer hands-on learning opportunities featuring various arts disciplines, indigenous perspectives and ecological restoration practices.

Native Plant Nurseries
Help us increase biodiversity whilst learning about our unique native plants